
Showing posts with the label Pinoy cuisine

Philippine Food: Forever Just “The Next Big Thing?”

Thanks to Western media, Filipino chefs, and Jollibee’s massive global expansion, Philippine food has expanded beyond Asia. And while the steps we’ve taken throughout the years have been more of leaps, it seems that the cuisine still hasn’t stuck as in the same way, say, Japanese cuisine has. For several times now, Filipino food has been touted as the “next big thing.” And it makes us wonder when it’ll actually be *the* big thing. Why Isn’t Philippine Food as Big as Its Asian Neighbors?, a Filipino cooking resource from the Philippines, interviewed chefs, writers, and food personalities in the Philippines to pick their brains about why Filipino food hasn’t taken off as much as its other Asian counterparts. Here’s a summary of their inferred reasons: Ambiguity of Filipino Cuisine The popularity of Filipino food is hindered by ambiguity, leading to a general lack of confidence in our cuisine, especially when it’s pitted against others. This is a shame, given the rich mix of

Looking for Southeast Asian Recipes in Manila? Here’s Where to Find Them

  Southeast Asian recipes can be confusing—and not at all in a bad way. The cuisines are always just exploding with flavors, textures, and history that it’s difficult to grasp the experience at every bite. The only way to acclimate with the region’s food is to break them down, and we can get to know them by regularly eating the dishes that define each country. If you live in Metro Manila, then you can experience different Southeast Asian cuisines without needing to hop on a plane. The local restaurant scene isn’t just exclusive to Philippine food . Here and there, restaurants hawking popular dishes from Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and other Southeast Asian countries have popped up, bringing the best Southeast Asian recipes closer to us. Here’s a list of some Southeast Asian eats and where to get them in the city: Indonesia There’s one word to describe Indonesian cuisine: spicy. And we’re not talking about the tongue-numbing kind. We’re talking about the mix of spices that bring th